Friday, September 3, 2010

GERD!! Really!

I took all three older kids to the dentist this week. Kristen has the most awful looking teeth. And she's such a smiley child too! They are crooked and yellowed. Apparently from med's and stuff from her first couple of months in the ICU. I have been given heck for not brushing properly, not doing it enough, well and it goes on. I know that the dentist does my other kids too, so wouldn't you see from the other two that I DO brush the teeth?! Anyways, I took her in this week. I knew that we were doing a bunch of 'scaling' and we would be strapping her down to a backboard to keep her still. And to be safer to everyone involved. So we strap her down. We do the scaling, she does the screaming!And does she ever SCREAM!! Of course, she hates Dr's! Well afterwards the dentist looks at me and askes "reflux, GERD??" And I said yes for the first two years of her life she was on meds for it...common for CDH kids! Well the acid has eatten all of the enamal off of her teeth! I'm so confused as to how it takes 3 years for the dentist to come to this conclusion! She's seen Kristen from 18 mths old, when I noticed the discoloured teeth coming in! She is going to refer us to a specialist to get caps put on some of her teeth! Poor kid! And then we get home, and I look at her hands, and well because she fought the restraints so bad, she has rubbed the skin off of her knuckles and hands! Geeze what to do next time??!! Gloves?? Long sleeved shirt??

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