Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School

Joe's first day of Grade 1!!!

Wow! I just remember holding this little being in my arms being amazed at the miracle of life, and knowing that I incubated this little boy. Well this little boy is now 6 years old, and over 50 lbs! That's huge from the tiny 5 lbs 11oz at birth! If there was only a way that they could know how much we loved them then, and how much more we love them now.

Kristen's first day of her second year of Pre-school!!!

She walked in there like she owned the place! Well she's only been going in there for the last 4 years! (to drop Joe off before he started school). It was no big deal to her. But to look back at the memory of her lying so helpless when she was born. And to see a machine breathing for her, knowing that the machine wasn't enough to help her body. Her lungs just needed a break! And to see her on ECMO. To have the phone call, "there is shadowing in her brain" and not knowing if they had to take her off immediatley or not. They didn't it was an old injury, probably from birth, but who really knows. To watch her FINALLY breathe on her own at 2 mths old, to take her home at 3 months old...well it was my birthday really! And now to try and slow her down today! She will never know what a miracle she is to us!

Courtney, waiting for her first day of school....well it's next year!!

Courtney is sooooo excited for school, she just doesn't really realize that she doesn't go this year yet! Poor kid. She was my biggest little one of all at 7 lbs 4 oz! The only baby that we got to hold right away before they took her to the Special Care Nursery. What a joy that was for us...so...normal! Whatever that is. Now to try and get the kid to stop asking to 'eat'!!! lol!! You'd think that I never fed her the way that she always want to snack!

Kenny, well, he just went with the flow today!

Such a tiny little guy only just over a year ago. Little did we realize what the last year would have brought to us with him! He's finally starting to be able to just be a baby...maybe a year too late, but better to be late than never! He just looks up at you with these BIG blue eyes, just filled with love. Knowing how much we love him!

What am I going to do when they graduate!?

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