Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Daddy having snuggles for the first time!

Today Gary suprized me when I was on my way into the hospital to visit Kenny and told me that he was on his way too! Gary hasn't held him yet!!! So they had some nice snuggle time and his stats were just great the whole time.

It's weird. When Joe was born I was devestated that he couldn't come home right away. I didn't clearly understand everything that a preemie needed. I got that he needed to do some things, but I felt that the dr's kept him there a couple of days longer than they needed to. And then we had Kristen! CDH monster!! And wow! Did that ever put things into perspective. I didn't want to rush too much, but I wanted her better. It wasn't the same as a preemie thing. Then Courtney came and she had her short stay. I was totally fine with that and she had her short little stay at the Special Care Nursery. And now Kenneth. Well he's the earliest that I've delivered, and you would think that I'd be freaking out, and sad, and worried. But no. I'm none of those. I know that he's fine, and just growing to be healthy to come home. He had a bit of Cpap, and some TPN feeds and now he's just got monitor's and an NG tube. Not that I want to make his situation less than it is, but after CDH and ECMO!!! This feels like a breeze! I know that this is just a whif in the moment of time, and I will get him home for a lifetime! He's doing so well, now we just need him to get bigger and I think he'll start bottle feeds this weekend sometime or next week, and we'll go from there!!!

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