Thursday, September 24, 2009

Could he be on a good trend??

It's been now 26 hours since Kenny has had a Brady. Maybe the kid really does want to come home!! It's been so stressful trying to balance both world's right now. The kids need me here, and well, I need to be at the hospital too! Kenny should know who mommy is, and not think that he's got lots of them that tend to him when I can't.

I'm not holding my breath until I get the phone call that I can pick him up and bring him home. He still needs to do a carseat challenge.

If it was feeds that had been holding him there, I could have understood that. Well I could have brought him home with an NG tube in, and cared for him. I'm familar with all of it from when Kristen had her's. Not ideal, but at least he would have been home to get strong here. He's now 6lbs 4 oz! Big boy in the NICU!

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