Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And Baby makes four!

I had an ultrasound today. Just because I'm high risk, with having three previous early babies, gestational diabetes, hypoactive thyroid, and at times high blood pressure! Wow, I sound like I'm living in a 62 year olds body. Actually I think that there are a lot of healthier 62 year old's out I just get nervous with the ultrasounds. Even though I've already had one with this pregnancy, I still fear that they will find something. Once you've been through them finding something wrong with your baby, I guess I just seem to worry. All of the questions that I have, not what is it??!! But is the heart in the right spot, is the stomach where it should be, the liver is under the diaphram, no thickening of the base of the neck, the brain looks ok, the kidney's, I'm not carrying too much extra fluid??!! The poor tech' must be a nightmare for them. And they can't tell you what they find, because they're not the Dr's. The tech today was nice though and really put me at ease. My cervix is long and closed, the baby is healthy, and active. Boy is he ever...even when she went to show him to me, he turned his head away!!! Camera shy I

1 comment:

  1. Bobbi! I'm sooooo excited for you! What a cute boy! Once my CDH journey with Ireland results in just a normal family with a baby girl, we're wanting one more...and being 36 next month, I totally get the feeling 62! Geez, that's how old my mom is and the woman can probably out-walk me! How sad. .....Looks like a good ultrasound to me, and I actually work with ultrasound...granted I work with metals, not people, but hey, I'm trying to give an honest and professional opinion. Take care of you and yours! Chanda
