Sunday, January 23, 2011

A run down of our weekly AVERAGE schedule

I've been asked by a couple of people why I haven't blogged lately...or where are my I thought that I'd bring you into an average daily, weekly schedule. Hold on tight cause it's quite the

6am-wake up
8:20am-get everyone out the door to take Joe to school
8:50am-load up the van to drop Courtney off at pre-school for 9am
9am-drive Kristen to the BC family hearing resource center for her PALS program (a preschool like program for the deaf and hard of hearing)for 9:30am
(recently I've had my Behavioural interventionist picking up Courtney and Kristen to take them where they need to go so that I can go back to the school with Kenny to help with the reading program at Joe's class.)
11:30am Pick up Courtney from school.
1pm Kristen arrives home
2:20pm go to pick up Joe from school
4:30pm take Joe and Kristen to Skating lessons for 5pm
6:30pm get ready to go to Rally with my Tupperware ladies.

Please take note that in between the actual drop-off/pick-up times there are feeds for Kenny, and the fact that he may not let me put him down, and of course all of the 'normal' daily things that need to happen around the house ie. dishes, or phoneing to do follow-up appointments for ONE of the

6am wake up
8:20am take Joe to school
9am take Kristen to PALS
10am take Kenny with Courtney to Physio, and physio swim
Kristen is dropped off right from PALS to preschool at 12:30 by her BI (thank goodness for her!!! She is my heaven sent of sanity!)
2:20pm pick up joe for school
2:50pm go to pick Kristen up from Pre-school
3pm alternating Tuesday's Kristen has speech therapy
once a month I do the PAC meetings, (PTA for my American friends :)) at 7pm

6am wake up
8:20 drop Joe off at school
9am drop Courtney off at preschool
9:30 Kristen to PALS
10am sometimes IDP comes in once a month, or I may use this time to observe Kristen in the classroom for a bit, or visit and connect with other parents.
11:30am pick up Courtney from preschool
1pm Kristen is home
2:20 pick up Joe
4:30pm skating for the older two, all three of the oldest one's in another week!
7pm PEER group once a month. A group that is there to support parents for children going into Kindergarden for the deaf and hard of hearing.

6am wake up
8:20 drop off Joe
12:30 take Kristen to preschool
2:20 pick up Joe
3pm Pick up Kristen

A little bit of a quieter day, sometimes there may be a morning appointment with OT, or pediatrition or specialists at children's etc.

6am wake up
8:20 joe to school
9am Kristen to preschool
11:30 pick up Kristen
meet at McD's or someones house for a weekly play date for the girls.
2:20 pick up Joe, and once in a while a friend from school will come to play

7am wake up
9am swimming lessons for the older three
the rest of the day will depend on visiting with family or birthday parties or me doing a Tupperware party

Just depends on the weekend, sometimes can be just as busy...lately it has been!

ONe day it will slow down right?!! IT has too! lol! I do it all in the name of love for my kids! And because of it, they are doing soooo well!

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