Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How could I have forgotten??!!

I did it! I swore I wouldn't!, but I did. I went and paid to find out whether the new baby is a boy or a girl. The Dr had told me that my next two ultrasounds are going to be done at the hospital, and the hospital's don't tell you. So I called the UC Baby ultrasound place, just for the gender determination only to find out that they could get me in that day! I was so excited. Gary had told me that he didn't want to know, so I had respected that and wasn't going to tell him. I also thought that this was going to be a good way for the kids to take a look at the ultrasound as well. They didn't allow kids in the 'regular' ones. Joe heard the heart beat and covered his mouth is shock, and suprise! It was so cute!! Well you can tell what I'm trying to do that suspense of is she going to tell us what it it is another BOY! I'm happy and excited about that. We will now be two and two. Such a nice balance! I'm so much more excited now that I know what's kickin' in it'll be nice to be prepared! And thus far, there is no CDH, no chromosonal markers, no heart issues...just a health baby!

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