Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where things are at right now

Kenny has seen the neurosurgeon. He doesn't need to see him for another 6-9 months...of course unless i notice anything. He has officially been off of his vigabatrin now for a full week!!! So far so good! He's still not really gross motorly moving, but he's getting stronger.

Joe is now sight reading words! WOW! that's been a long time coming for him. He is also staring spelling tests where he is expected to just write the first sound he hears. Well at home we practice the whole word. He's doing well with that too now! He lost his first tooth careof the dentist on Thursday. it had been deaf for awhile, and got absessed so out it came.

Kristen is now replacing her coil on her head for her implant! WOW. She is trying so hard to communicate with other's. She doesn't scream when at skating lessons anymore, and actually loves it! She doesn't scream at swimming lessons anymore and actually loves it! lmao! She is also chewing all of her food pretty much now! Feeding issues....well sometimes i think not! She even chews gum now!

Courtney is just our little turd! lol. She is so bright and challenges us all the time. She's so independant and doesn't realize that she's not even quite 3 yet!! And the language that she uses is so complex! Amazing to see!

People ask how we do it. I have never used the word can't...thought it in my head, but never used anything as an excuse! Exposure exposure exposure

I treat my kids 'normal' whatever that may be. I am also never wanting people to think that there situation is nothing compared to what I deal with daily. What people experience in their homes is different that what I do, and it is ok for anyone to feel frustration at any time. I am not hear to inspire, or over shadow, or make you look bad. I'm here to be my kids mommy, and be the best mommy I can be!

1 comment:

  1. And a best Mommy you are! You truly are amazing, Bobbi! And you DO inspire me...I only have have FOUR...on my less than good days, I often think of you and you're family! You are amazing and are raising amazing kids...and you know what...they are NORMAL... :)
    Keep it up, Mommy! :)
